Dengan gembira kami luncurkan Alkitab Audio dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk diunduh secara gratis. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk mengunduh aplikasi Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia, yang dirancang khusus bagi Anda. Aplikasi terbaik untuk membaca dan mendengarkan Alkitab secara offline. Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi ini di ponsel atau tablet Android Anda dan menggunakannya di kemudian saat secara offline…
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King James Bible
Carry with you your personal audio Bible so you can read or listen wherever you like. We can help you: we offer this free Bible app with the most important Protestant Bible off all time: King James Version Study, share and enjoy this Holy version of King James Bible on your phone or tablet Android…
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Easy to read Bible
Are you looking for an easy to read and study Bible? Now you can take the Bible with you everywhere with this new version of the Bible that will accompany you at all time. The Easy-to-read Version is a free version available for Android to download and share with your friends and loved ones. Download…
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Douay Rheims Bible
We are happy to release a beautiful Audio Bible App to read and listen the Holy Word. A complete version of the Bible is available for Android: Enjoy this beautiful English Catholic Version of the Bible: Douay-Rheims. Now you can feel close to God, share his word and read the verses any time you want…
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Jewish Bible Complete
הורידו את האפליקציה החינמית הכולל גרסת אודיו של התנ»ך היהודי באנגלית (התנ»ך המשיחי העולמי) אנחנו מציעים לכם אפליקציה חינמית שמאפשרת לכם לקרוא או להאזין לתנ»ך היהודי השלם בטלפון הנייד שלכם או בטאבלט. תיהנו מהפסוקים בכל יום והעתיקו, תשלחו ושתפו אותם בקלות ובמהירות. הגרסה הנפלאה הזאת זמינה בצורה מקוונת. אתם יכולים אותה למכשיר הנייד שלכם ולהשתמש…
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Jewish Bible in English Free
Download for free the app containing the Audio Version of the Jewish Bible in English. This app is available completely FREE on your cell phone, so you can take it with you and read it any time anywhere. We offer an offline version, once downloaded on your device; you do not need any internet connection…
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Darby Bible
Feel God´s Holy word, stay close to Jesus and enjoy the inspirational verses the Darby Bible has for you. Take it with you in your Android and read it anytime you want, even offline. Benefits of the app: User-friendly and efficient interface Offline Bible version: (The application works without an internet connection) Audio Bible: Listen…
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Actual English Version
Share with friends and beloved ones this Bible app that allows you to read and listen to the Holy Word of God on your mobile or tablet Android. The Updated English Bible in audio version to listen to the verses while you read. Enjoy a good time while you study or read the Bible. This…
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Catholic Bible
If you are using an Android device, you can download and use our app to read and listen to the Catholic Version of the Bible, which means the complete list of books accepted by the Catholic Church. Experience this Audio Bible containing the complete canon of books and listen every day the Holy Scriptures. Browse…
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Bible App in Dutch
Don’t miss this opportunity to download our Audio Bible in Dutch, an app in a very user-friendly format designed especially for you.With this amazing app you can study God’s Word without difficulty. You can download it completely free and read or listen to the word of God without wasting megabytes of your phone. Once the…
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